Additivia is a fast growing company operating in the food additives industry. The main activity of the company is production of raw materials and additives for meat and fish processing.

Wide-ranging contacts, partnerships, and a willingness to constantly develop make it possible to keep up with global trends in the food industry. Our skills, passion, ambition, and determination allow us to meet the needs and expectations of the most demanding customers. We have modern R&D facilities and a machine park. Our company provides professional advice, friendly service and the high quality of the offered products. We can listen to our valuable customers and learn from them.

Our knowledge and experience in the area of food production technology have resulted in providing customers the tried, tested and interesting solutions based on both traditional and modern technologies.

At Additivia, sustainability is a business approach to creating long-term value by taking into consideration how we operate in the ecological, social, and economic environment. Sustainable development means for us adopting strategies and actions which fulfill the requirements of the company and its customers while at the same time protecting, upholding, and improving the human and natural resources, in value and quality for the future. We care that issues such as safety, environmental protection and supply chain responsibility are seen as important in the company's structures and consistently implemented by our employees. To achieve this, we are consequently improving our strategy and setting targets in specific areas of our business based on integrity, ethics, and transparency.

Ensuring the safety of people, animals and our food-processing system is our main goal. We also realize that we cannot achieve this on our own. That is why we listen, learn and work on building partnerships that open new opportunities.

Sustainability is a key consideration for every decision made at Additivia.

The satisfaction of our customers is the benchmark for our definition of quality.

Our employees are responsible for the quality of their performance in all areas and cooperate in improvement measures. Everyone acts in accordance with the law and responsibly towards business partners and each other in the whole Food Ingredients Group. Compliance with quality assurance measures is demonstrated by regular internal system checks and by external audits.

We ensure that the products we sell meet the high expectations of our customers. All production stages are planned and monitored, incremental improvements are steadily implemented and unexpected quality issues are promptly identified and eliminated.

Our employees are our most valuable asset. We see the challenges of the future as new opportunities, which is why we want to be pioneers in all aspects of our work. To achieve this, we rely on an innovative, open and trustworthy working environment.

In just over 20 years, we have grown to a global leader in the industry.

Join our team – help the world move smarter and take your career to the next level.

Thanks to the visionary management of Jacek Bednarek and Grzegorz Bednarek, Additivia Company, over 22 years of its existence, has grown into a major player in the food industry . Whatever the size of the project Additivia see it through. We provide substantive and technological support. We make sure that the solutions we offer are satisfactory and meet the needs of our customers.

Additivia - customer satisfaction is the key to our success!